Tuesday, 20 September 2011

This is where is started.

Behold the very first clutches I ever made! These  two are from my college days when instead of going to parties, I stayed home to sew and paint. I was a bit of a nerd. I did the whole "experimenting" thing when I should have been focusing on grade 10 math so by the time college came around, I was over it and looking for something else to keep me entertained. I tend to do things backwards, and so far it has worked for me.
Its funny how things have kind of come full circle. When I first started CHA CHA I was into silkscreening canvas and using only recycled leathers. Eventually I started to sell the stuff I made and decided I could afford new leather and went down that path for a while. I tried it, it had its pros and cons. Its been about 7 years since I made these 2 clutches and all I can say is I have certainly learned a lot, made many mistakes, traveled lots of places, met lots of people and sold lots of bags!  And now here I am, after many twists and turns, silkscreening canvas and using recycled leathers again. I think this is where I am suppose to be.

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