Thursday, 22 August 2013

What are you reading this summer??

Do I judge books by their cover? Yes, often. That is why I chose this one. But luckily I enjoyed the story even more then the cover. I highly recommend. 

I read this one while we were on vacation in the forrest, it seemed an appropriate chose. I love reading stories about things I would never do, ie. hike for months solo, climb Mount Everest, go to war and so on. I am just not that tough of a person, I will have to live through books and expereicne these things second hand.

I figured I should make an attempt to learn something this summer so I picked up this one. Sometimes these types of books can be a little dry and they take me ages to read. But this was the exception. I thought it was really interesting to learn how so many dangerous ingredients end up in our food. Really makes you think twice before grabbing your next meal out of a box.

I love these little pocket sized books from the 70's. I just started this one, I'm just 20 pages in but already entertained. Diana Ross is on the cover, it has to be good.

What are you reading?? Any suggestions?

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